Diagnosed with Macular Degeneration… Now What (6 of 12) – Non-Profit Organization
So, you have been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration, now what? Many, when being told they have Macular Degeneration, inaccurately hear, “I’m going blind”, and that can feel like your whole world is collapsing.
It is extremely rare to go completely blind from Macular Degeneration, whether you have either the wet or dry type. If someone tells you that nothing more can be done, that can be very depressing and is often not completely correct. What matters is a better understanding of how to navigate the landscape of the professionals who can assist you with adapting to a world of vision loss.
By the way…. congratulations, you have now become a carpenter! Yes, a carpenter…meaning you now need to assemble a new toolbox of 12-24 new ‘vision-loss’ tools to help you with seeing both near, intermediary and distance objects.
In this 12-part Macular Degeneration Low Vision Guide, I have outlined ideas for you or a loved one to consider when diagnosed Macular Degeneration. It is important to note that not all these action steps are required, but they should be given strong consideration.
#6: Non-Profit Organization – Make it a priority
Make it a priority to learn about the various non-profit organizations in your local area who serve people who are low vision or blind, including your local Lion’s Club. Non-profit organizations offer valuable, progressive, multi-faceted resources committed to improving the lives of people with low vision and blindness.
A common mission of many non-profit organizations is to prepare people of all ages who are low vision or blind with the education, confidence, and skills needed to realize their potential, maximize their remaining sight and learn to use adaptive strategies for completing daily tasks.
The majority of individuals experiencing vision loss are elders living with eye diseases such as; macular degeneration, cataracts, glaucoma, or diabetic retinopathy. One in six people over the age of sixty-five experiences vision loss and that number rises to half of elders over eighty.
Some non-profit organizations partner with respected members of the healthcare community to create high impact, cost-effective services that meet the crucial need for low vision services. Many non-profit organizations mission is the ongoing promise of improving the lives of people with vision-related problems. Some non-profit organizations have been around for 100+ years and have helped to pioneer many innovative services allowing people who are low vision or blind to learn the skills needed to be independent in their homes, in class settings, and in their workplaces.
It is common for many non-profit organizations to include services such as vision rehabilitation, vocational and transitional programs as well as assistive technology training. Additionally, they can provide educational support and recreation opportunities for individuals who are visually impaired of all ages. Non-profit organizations are very useful in providing help for thousands of people who are visually impaired or blind with diverse opportunities for success and independent living.
<Click here to read about step #5: State Services – Reach out to ask for help>
<Click here to read about step #7: Teacher of the Visually Impaired (TVI’s)>
<Click here to learn more about our resources for Federal Agencies.>
<Click here to order your printed copy of this 12-part Resource Book>
<Click here to download a PDF of the entire report.>
Scott V. Krug is the President of New England Low Vision and Blindness, a company located in New England, and specializes in bringing hope to people who are low vision or blind through technology, training, and care. Scott has been working in the field of technology and optics for people who are low vision or blind since 1992. Website: NELowVision.com.