A Deep Dive into Patent-Pending Features of the New RUBY 10

Mike and Michelle to present features of Ruby 10
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    Please visit New England Low Vision and Blindness Webinar & Training Series – New England Low Vision (nelowvision.com) for an up-to-date list of webinars and access previous webinars.

    Join us on Thursday, February 10, 2022, at noon or 3 PM Eastern Time via Zoom, as we take a more in-depth look at the RUBY 10’s patent-pending features that help with contrast sensitivity and color blindness.

    • Learn how to take glare management to the next level
    • Discover the benefits of colorblindness filters
    • Learn what haptic feedback is and how can it help

    After a quick refresher, we will get into the new features that allow you to customize this portable product. Watch and listen as we share everyday examples of how these new features can improve the lives of those who experience colorblindness and those who need greater control over contrast. We will answer questions such as, what happens when the trainer leaves? Learn what tips and tricks will help you use the RUBY 10 and its great new features.

    ACVREP Credits available during the live presentation only.

    Two time slots are available for your convenience; 12 PM ET or 3 PM ET.

    Presenters: Mike Wood and Michelle Williams

    Please note: This webinar will be held at noon Eastern Time and repeat again at 3 PM Eastern Time. Please register once to attend either session.

    Product Giveaway: We will conduct a drawing for two lucky winners to receive a RUBY HD handheld video magnifier–one at each webinar session (12 PM ET and 3 PM ET).

    About the Ruby 10

    The Ruby 10 is a portable magnifier for people who have low vision – the convenience of a touchscreen, available with text-to-speech and without Text-to-Speech.

    The RUBY 10 portable magnifier has a 10-inch touchscreen and three dedicated cameras. The RUBY 10 can magnify letters, magazines, labels, and photos. The swing-out arm allows you to view items in your hand and write. When extended, the arm also enables full-page OCR. With a touch of a button, you can scan pages and have them read aloud to you. The third camera is dedicated to seeing objects at a short distance such as signs and menus on a wall.

    Perfect for individuals who want a larger screen and desktop capabilities in a portable package. Choose the speech model for text-to-speech functionality.

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