Diagnosed with Macular Degeneration… Now What (12 of 12) – Attitude
So, you have been diagnosed with Macular Degeneration, now what? Many, when being told they have Macular Degeneration, inaccurately hear, “I’m going blind”, and that can feel like your whole world is collapsing.
It is extremely rare to go completely blind from Macular Degeneration, whether you have either the wet or dry type. If someone tells you that nothing more can be done, that can be very depressing and is often not completely correct. What matters is a better understanding of how to navigate the landscape of the professionals who can assist you with adapting to a world of vision loss.
By the way…. congratulations, you have now become a carpenter! Yes, a carpenter…meaning you now need to assemble a new toolbox of 12-24 new ‘vision-loss’ tools to help you with seeing both near, intermediary and distance objects.
In this 12-part Macular Degeneration Low Vision Guide, I have outlined ideas for you or a loved one to consider when diagnosed Macular Degeneration. It is important to note that not all these action steps are required, but they should be given strong consideration.
#12: Attitude (Many like this as idea #1.)
Helen Keller once said, “Although the world is full of suffering, it is full also of the overcoming of it.”
Attitude is everything, and you know it. We have all experienced someone with a bad attitude and someone with a good attitude. It is a good attitude that is worth imitating. A bad attitude does not need to be taught, it is very easy, and takes no effort or skill.
There are no sections in the library filled with books on how to have a bad attitude, or how to complain. There are, however, plenty of books on how to maintain a positive attitude. A positive attitude takes effort. You need it to help you, your family, and even your health.
Here are some basic reminders of the benefits of having a positive attitude.
- When you develop a positive attitude, you unleash the power to find your own happiness.
- You will benefit from motivation to help you accomplish things and reach your defined goals.
- A positive attitude changes your perspective and turns the problems in your life into opportunities.
- You will find that you have better self-esteem, and you will begin believing in yourself again, that you are capable of doing great things.
- Stress elimination is another huge benefit as it contributes to overall health. You will see that by maintaining a positive attitude affects your body chemistry to more easily release natural body chemicals to stay positive.
- Don’t be surprised if you begin getting involved in creative thinking. Since you no longer view things as problems, you’ll find creative solutions to your obstacles.
- It is also natural that more people will want to be around you simply because of your positive attitude, and you will make more friends.
- Your overall energy will also increase, and depression subsides the more you are able to accomplish.
- Many also enjoy receiving the benefit of more respect from others, as well as having more influence over other people.
Be careful, having a positive attitude is contagious, and you will likely infect others and spread it more easily than you have expected. So, don’t underestimate something you already intuitively know. Keep deciding to have a positive attitude, keep good thoughts. Don’t let vision loss blind your soul, blind your happiness or blind your joy.
Keep the flame of your positive attitude burning brightly and don’t let one negative thought remain in your head.
<Click here to read about step #11: Support Groups – Practical and emotional support>
<Click here to order your printed copy of this 12-part Resource Book>
<Click here to download a PDF of the entire report.>
Scott V. Krug is the President of New England Low Vision and Blindness, a company located in New England, and specializes in bringing hope to people who are low vision or blind through technology, training, and care. Scott has been working in the field of technology and optics for people who are low vision or blind since 1992. Website: NELowVision.com.