What makes the Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers so great?

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    High-quality magnifier, designed for everybody, and the perfect 1st step.

    Mr. Magnifier is a set of handheld magnifiers, which are a great 1st step for anyone who has been diagnosed with macular degeneration, or any form of vision loss.

    The Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers are professional grade magnifiers, with very high-quality switches, and also battery compartment and spring, so it’s guaranteed to last a lifetime.

    What makes the Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers so great? Consumer Featured Product Macular Degeneration Technology Veterans

    What makes Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers so great?

    LED lights: Lighting is so very important and was one of the most important features when we helped to develop this product. The LED lights are tested to last over 100,000 hours, which is approximately 30 to 40 years of normal use. So the lights will almost never burn out. I’ve never had an LED light burnout yet in my 30 years of working in the low-vision field. Very bright lighting is extremely important. And that’s a primary focus and often overlooked with the magnifying glass. The lights in the Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers area very bright white broad light.  The proper lighting can actually lower the magnification needed. And if you’re having trouble with seeing things add more light, prior to even getting a magnifying glass, have more illumination.

    Easy to change batteries: The batteries tend to last 6-9 months depending on how much one uses Mr. Magnifier.  When it comes time to change the batteries, it is very easy because of the high-contrast background and identification inside the case to easily see the direction the battery should be inserted.  Once you are done changing the batteries, simply close the cover and the light will come on.

    Variety of strengths:  We designed the Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers with a variety of strengths:

    • 2.5X: People have really liked the two-and-a-half x as their beginning magnifier.
    • 3.5X for right-handed people: With a slightly larger screen which is helpful for reading an appointment card from a doctor, reading the restaurant menu, etc.
    • 3.5X for left-handed people: Same great magnifier as previously mentioned but in a left-handed model
    • 5.0X: When just a little more strength is needed

    So if you or a loved one who is looking for a great professional grade magnifier, Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers are the perfect first step to try.  These are great spot magnifiers. What I mean by that if short amounts of information is what you are looking to read when you’re up and about and on the go then Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers are your best option.  Are you going to sit down and read a book with one of these? No? Are you going to bring it to a theater or to a movie to read No, maybe to spot a restaurant menu to kind of get a short amount of information, maybe a thermostat or price tag nutritional information, kind of these important short amounts of data that’s important to you on a day to day basis where you need to make a decision right now.

    If at some point you or a loved one needs even more magnification then you want to think about step two – a portable magnifier if you need more of a productivity system for long-term reading and writing, then you want to consider looking at one of the larger desktop magnifiers.

    So this is step one – Mr. Magnifier Handheld Magnifiers. I think you’ll like it, try it, get it for Mom, get it for Dad, get it for yourself, your aunt or your uncle. As just the beginning step we wanted to get a really high-quality magnifier that was good for everybody and the step one phase and also be priced under $100.


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