What is a Let’s Go Attitude?

As we launch our Clement J. Krug, Sr. Award, I want to provide you the history of the award and the Let’s Go Attitude philosophy.
In 2003, at the young age of 61, my father Clement J. Krug Sr., a strong 6’3″ NYC detective, was diagnosed with a very rare and advanced form of abdominal cancer. Suddenly life changed.
I remember an occasion when our family was gathered again at a hospital in New York City keeping Dad company in the pre-op room waiting for another surgical procedure in an attempt to excise the spreading cancer. The time came when the nurse dismissed the family, but unknown to all, I lingered behind a few extra moments. Concealed around a corner wall, I watched as my Dad interacted jokingly and kibitzing with his nurse. I remember Dad sitting up on the end of the hospital bed wearing his johnny, when after a few whimsical comments the nurse asked, “So, Are you ready?” Dad quickly replied, “Let’s Go!” He then stood up, politely declined using the provided wheelchair, and with pep in his step walked to the operating room.
Even as time passes the memory of my Dad’s attitude and those two words, ‘Let’s Go!’ stick with me. I did not hear fear, complaining, whining or blaming, all of which would be very understandable. All I heard was the spontaneous positive shout from the soul of my Dad. He was ready to take action, ready to fight, although the road ahead was unknown and burdensome. Now, many years later, his shout continues to live in me as my shout too.
What about you? Do you also have a ‘Let’s Go!’ attitude? Tell me why you think you do. Click here if you would like to nominate someone for the Clement J. Krug, Sr. Award. In my Dad’s honor, I would be honored to award one technology product valued up to $6,000.00 to one special student who also wants to continue my Dad’s shout.
Scott J. Krug, President
New England Low Vision and Blindness