iOS 11 – Review and Neat Tip

iOS 11
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    iOS 11 - Review and Neat Tip Tech Tips Technology Training

    I am a visually impaired iOS user.  I use my iPhone 7 Plus for almost everything I do as an Assistive Technology Consultant – scheduling appointments, taking notes, using email, budgeting, invoicing, etc.  I must say that the iOS 11 upgrade has certainly met my needs.

    The fonts are truly amazing and now I am able to read the screen because the print is truly enlarged in calendar, notifications, and many other apps.  Notes can now scan in a document, scribble with my finger and the document is in my notes and notes can convert my scribble into print.

    One neat tip is to touch and hold on the clock, battery, and it will appear enlarged in the middle of the screen.

    Check it out!

    The control center is customizable.  Now we can quickly access timers, notes, text size, magnifier, screen and voice recordings…. Holy Cow, there is too much to mention. But, there are many more interesting things can be done to increase ease of efficiency as well as ease of use.

    So be on the lookout for another blog on tips/ideas/benefits of the “customizable control panel”.

    ~ Gloria

    iOS 11 - Review and Neat Tip Tech Tips Technology Training

    Gloria Stuart is a Senior Assistive Technology Specialist and Trainer at New England Low Vision and Blindness.  Gloria is both an expert and user of low vision equipment providing assistive technology services to children and adults in Rhode Island and throughout the New England region for more than 20 years.

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