Envision Glasses
Transforming visual information into speech fosters independence and expands one's perception of possibilities, empowering individuals to navigate and understand their surroundings more effectively.
Envision Glasses Video
What are Envision Glasses?
Enjoy independence and
perceive possibility
Envision Glasses are lightweight glasses equipped with a camera, speaker, and advanced capabilities to speak out text and environmental information, recognize faces, light, and colors, allowing you to effortlessly access and share this information.
Envision Glasses boast an unobtrusive and intuitive design, excelling in various text recognition tasks, including handwriting, across more than 60 languages.
Any text, anywhere
With Instant Text, Envision Glasses can read any short text in front of you, while Scan Text enables the conversion of long-form text into speech, including handwritten notes, newspapers, magazines, and personal writings.
Utilize Batch Scan, Smart Guidance, and Layout Detection features offered by Envision Glasses to immerse yourself in a book and listen to it at your convenience.
Ask Envision
Better accessibility for
greater independence
Discover the groundbreaking "Ask Envision" feature, empowering individuals with visual impairments to scan documents and ask questions using OpenAI's GPT-4. Access text-based content effortlessly and enhance your independence by requesting a demo of Envision glasses today.
Envision Ally
Help is just a call away
The Envision Glasses open up a world of independence, but sometimes everyone needs to call a friend. With the Ally video call feature make handsfree video calls, when you want to, to your trusted friends and family.
Identify and Find
Explore your world
Explore your surroundings with the powerful features of Describe Scene and Explore on Envision Glasses. Easily identify light sources, cash notes, colors, objects, and even locate familiar faces within a crowd.
The Envision Glasses
Built on Google Glass Enterprise Edition 2.
Wifi & Bluetooth
Keeps you connected at all times
5-6 hours with regular usage. USB-C supported fast charging.
Weighs less than 50 grams in total
An 8 MP camera with a wide field of view that captures everything.
Directional Mono Speaker, USB audio and Bluetooth audio.
Other features
It's a complete toolbox
Instant Text
Immediately speaks out text as it appears in front of you.
Scan Text
Reads long pieces of text out loud in multiple languages.
Smart Guidance
Automatically and accurately captures text in one go.
Language Detection
Identifies and reads text out in the correct language.
Reads handwritten, personal notes and cards.
Layout Detection
Detects and speaks out headings and columns.
Scroll and listen back to text at your own pace.
Export Text
Saves scanned text to your Envision library.
Batch Scan
Captures multiple pages of text in one go.
Voice Commands
Control your Envision Glasses with your voice.
Groups together Envision Glasses features.
Call an Ally
Make handsfree, video calls to trusted friends and family.
Describe Scene
Get a description of the scene in front of you.
Detect Light
Detect the intensity and direction of light sources.
Recognize Cash
Identify banknotes in multiple currencies.
Detect Colors
Detect the color of the object in front of you
Find Objects
Identify popular objects and hear where they are.
Find People
Here when there are people you know around you.
Teach a Face
Recognize the faces of people you know.
Discover what's around you, in real-time.