Clement J. Krug, Sr. Award – We need your help

Clement J Krug
Clement J. Krug, Sr. Award - We need your help Uncategorized

2018 Winner Elana Regan with Scott Krug and Regan family

First and foremost, we want to express our best wishes for everyone’s good health as we navigate through this changing environment.

As you might recall, New England Low Vision and Blindness is currently conducting the Clement J. Krug, Sr. Award, established to recognize a student who exemplifies a Let’s Go Attitude.  The winner of the award receives a voucher towards a purchase of one product worth up to $6,000.  (To learn more about this award, you can click here.)

We are asking for your help!

Considering the current COVID-19 pandemic with you and your students at home, we are considering extending the deadline and if it would be helpful for you to use the essay portion of the award as an assignment opportunity for you and your visually impaired student?

Would you mind taking a few minutes to provide us your opinion so that we can move forward in the best way for you and your visually impaired student?

CJK Award 2020 - TVI Help
1. Should the deadline for the 2020 Clement J. Krug, Sr. Award be extended past the current April 10, 2020 deadline? *
3. Would the essay requirement of the award be a good opportunity for you to use as an assignment for your visually impaired student? *

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