Important (CCTV) Update for Low Vision & Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD) patients

Both Acrobat HD and Merlin HD cameras have been upgraded to the 1080 HD Camera.
Price stays the same.
Why is this relevant? – 2 important reasons.
- Image Quality
- 2 times better than before!
- The Newer 1080 HD image increases from 921,000 to 2,073,600 pixels, more than 2x the pixels!
- It is 2x as crisp, sharp, and true to life!
- Field of View (FOV) — Newspapers can now fit on screen…!!!!!
- Acrobat HD Ultra
- Acrobat HD Ultra 27″ increased to a whopping 13.3” Field of View!
- Acrobat HD Ultra 20″, 22″ and 24″ systems, increased to an amazing 12.5” Field of View!
- Acrobat HD Mini 13”, increased to 10.3” Field of View, for a 13″ 6-hr battery portable CCTV!
- Check out this photo of the Acrobat HD Ultra 20″:
- Merlin HD Ultra
- Merlin HD Ultra 20″, 22″ & 24” systems increased to 8.85” Field of View, for a traditional desktop CCTV!
- Here is a photo of the New Merlin HD Ultra 20″:
- Acrobat HD Ultra
Newspaper width fits on Screen…What…?
Ever heard this remark? “I wish I could see the whole newspaper on screen.”
Look at these measurements of width:
Important…Don’t miss the previous stats..!!!
Older CCTV’s – Field of View (FOV):
Look again at the older CCTV (FOV) just above…
What is the (FOV) on your CCTV?
Increased Field of View (FOV) – What are the benefits?
Older CCTV technology, like older cell phones are becoming dated much faster.
- reduces back and forth movement of magnified text
- increases reading speed
- reduces fatigue
- increases personal productivity
- expands feelings of accomplishment and satisfaction
- improves quality of life
Check out these links to see more Photos showing new Field Of View:
Want to See More?
Come and See our New Technology Showroom!
Interested in the New 1080 HD video magnifiers, but you want to see more? Come and see our New state-of-the-art technology showroom, which is a wonderful low vision resource. It showcases a variety of leading electronic low vision magnifiers. Upstairs in our facility, clients can schedule an appointment with a low vision specialist, who can prescribe low vision glasses and other types of low vision rehabilitation services, including in-home low vision occupational therapy services funded by Medicare. If you cannot come to us, our staff can even drive out and bring our Low Vision Store to you, for a no-obligation Low Vision Product demonstration of the New 1080 HD video magnifiers. We offer a comprehensive line low vision products including electronic magnification low vision aids, and leading low vision products for people with Age Related Macular Degeneration (AMD), and other forms of vision loss.
Contact us to learn more about 1080 HD video magnifiers
If you have any questions, or you want to learn more about the 1080 HD video magnifiers, or the popular DaVinci 3-in1 video magnifier, call 888-211-6933 or email