Read these new enthusiastic Stream customer stories

With the new Stream, you can now access over 36,000 radio stations around the world. And finding the stations you want is easy with useful functions like searching by the station’s name, browsing by genre, and easily saving stations to your favorites list. You can get started even faster by trying HumanWare’s suggested playlists by region!
Buy the New Stream online at $369 – Free Shipping
“The latest update for the Stream has been awesome. Adding Internet radio really has been great. It’s the most accessible Internet radio I know of. It’s been so great I canceled my XM radio service. The Internet radio is a great added feature. I can’t say enough about it. Being able to read books and have all the radio access the Stream allows is way too awesome.”.
Minneapolis, MN, USA
“I really love the new VR Stream, especially since HumanWare added the facility of Internet radio through the ooTunes database. Also, the ooTunes database author is very responsive when I approach him to add Maltese stationsNow I do not need to look for a DAB+ radio, because the new VR Stream is capable to do much better. Keep it up!”
Dingli, Malta
“I loved the new Stream from the time of its release onward, but each upgrade has just made it better and better. Besides the new online services which users have already mentioned, Version 4.34 has improved TTS reading in subtle but significant ways, including vocabulary fixes and a more natural handling of pitch and punctuation. Also, the new method requiring an extra step before deletions become final is a great safeguard.”
Aurora, MO, USA
Compared to other blindness products, the new Victor Reader Stream provides a level of personal and professional empowerment unparalleled for the relatively reasonable cost. As a certified teacher of the visually impaired who does consulting work, it is gratifying to demonstrate the Victor Reader Stream to parents and to students who are blind and to let them know the wide range of options that are available. As little as ten years ago, if a student was losing his/her vision and had not entirely mastered the skill of reading Braille, it would most likely be necessary to pull the student out of the classroom in order to provide them with an accessible reading experience. Now, thanks to and NFB Newsline, along with the amazing bookmarking feature of the new VR Stream, I can confidently assure many pre-Braille readers of their continued ability to remain in and to participate in a mainstream classroom environment. Without the staggering cost inherent in the majority of blindness products, HumanWare has put the reality of auditory accessibility into many more hands and lives than would have otherwise been possible.
Overland Park, KS, USA
“I used to be an avid shortwave DX listener. Now, with the Stream update, I can search for countries by name. I can listen to stations that I grew up with in my old home town. ”
Windsor, ON, Canada
“I sing with a barbershop chorus and place all my music/songs on the Victor Reader Stream; it is very easy to move forward or backward when learning the music. Recordings are quiet, free of annoying ‘scratchiness’. I am a radio guy from a way back, what a device!”
Ottawa, ON, Canada
“Just, wow! I’ve upgraded to firmware version 4.3 and I’m very impressed! HumanWare just keeps getting better and better! ”
West Monroe, LA, USA
“ I have always thought highly of the Stream since it came out. I have always been a heavy user of my Stream. But now, with Internet radio, the Stream becomes my almost constant companion. The ability so search with ooTunes is nothing short of brilliant, and the unit is incredibly stable. I disagree strongly with those who say an iPhone user has no need for such a unit. My Stream complements my iPhone, it doesn’t replace, nor is it replaced by the iPhone. ”
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
I am a radio guy from a way back, what a device! ”
Ottawa, ON, Canada
“Just, wow! I’ve upgraded to firmware version 4.3 and I’m very impressed! HumanWare just keeps getting better and better! ”
West Monroe, LA, USA
“ I have always thought highly of the Stream since it came out. I have always been a heavy user of my Stream. But now, with Internet radio, the Stream becomes my almost constant companion. The ability so search with ooTunes is nothing short of brilliant, and the unit is incredibly stable. I disagree strongly with those who say an iPhone user has no need for such a unit. My Stream complements my iPhone, it doesn’t replace, nor is it replaced by the iPhone. ”
Winnipeg, MB, Canada
Buy the New Stream online at $369 – Free Shipping