Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19): Mar-18-2020
March 18, 2020
To: All New England Low Vision and Blindness Clients
Re: Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
New England Low Vision and Blindness, like many companies and institutions, are closely monitoring the ever-changing landscape associated with the escalation of the Coronavirus (COVID-19.) During this time, we want to re-assure our clients of our continued commitment to providing you with the same world-class products, training services and support that you have come to expect from us over the last 11 years.
Our company continues to remain open and fully operational. As a preventative action and in alignment with the CDC recommendations, we have taken the following steps to protect our employees, our clients, and all those we serve:
1. We have sterilized our showrooms and offices to the very best of our ability. We will continue to do so frequently.
2. We will be checking with all scheduled clients prior to any demonstration or training sessions to ensure that all parties involved are comfortable to proceed and are in good health with no concerns.
3. We are flexible in rescheduling any appointments to a mutually agreed upon future date.
4. Any employee that shows any signs of sickness or symptoms will self quarantine and not be engaged directly with other employees or clients.
5. We are following the CDC published guidelines and recommendations to help slow the spread of COVID-19.
6. Many of our employees are working from home as a precaution.
The bottom line is that we all need to make smart, healthy decisions for our team and our customers. There is no way for us to prepare for, nor predict what the future holds given the unprecedented impact of this virus. We remain committed to the health and well being of our clients and team and will do all that we can to ensure the safety of both. We will continue to provide additional communications to the market with any significant changes.
As always, we thank you all for the opportunity to serve and support you. Wishing you all health, safety, and peace of mind.
Scott V. Krug, President
New England Low Vision and Blindness